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Islamic Quote

O ye who believe! Do not squander one another’s wealth in vanities, but let there be amongst you traffic and trade by mutual good will..

Quran: Chapter 4 Vs 29

Proposal Details

Title Can Deep Sea Water Be Processed Into Potable Water And Distributed Into The Middle East?
Location Middle East
Country Afghanistan
Sector / Industry Engineering
Investment required $1 Million & above
Investor role Active partner
Business stage Expansion
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License 1118265 4/16/2016
Court cases
Fund Name Web of Science
Siren De & Global Networking company is seeking to partner with a company that shares a similar innovation vision. The joint venture partner will support in performing a feasibility analysis to determine which method will be the least costly to implement have the fastest payback in terms of selling the potable water and have the largest long-term profitability. All of this depends on the co-creation of the demand .


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